Japanese Ritual Architecture
An Overview of Japanese Ritural Architecture from
the Kofun to Momoyama Periods
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link has turned purple. I hope you enjoy your tour through Japanese
Ritual Architecture.
Outline and Table of Contents
Shinto Architecture
Raised above the ground
Symmetrical Layout
Limited Access
Decorative Ridge-Poles (and "fillials")
Varied axis-orientation
Early Buddhist Architecture
First temple, Makuharadera, made out of a home
Following temples built specifically to house images recieved
from Korea
Nara period on follow Confucian symmetrical layout and geomancy
Pagoda vital, either in symmetrical pairs or directly along
the main axis
North-south orientation, facing south
Middle Buddhist Architecture
Symmetry de-emphisized, sometimes dropped due to setting
Pagoda marginalized
Hosohoji the biggest ever built, but almost none follow it
Classic 5-storied design varied
Position in temple grounds less important, pushed off to
one side
Relic inside forgotten
Relic sometimes replaced by esoteric 3-D mandala
North-south orientation not exclusively followed
Esoteric Buddhists construct 3-D mandalas at Toji, Byodoin,
Late Buddhist Architecture
4 simultaneous "new" styles
"Indian": South Chinese i.e. rebuilding of Todaiji
"Chinese": Zen Style i.e. Nanzenji, Tofukuji, the Kamakura
"Japanese": Extant style from the Nara and Heian periods
Mixtures of the three
#2 (The Zen or "Chinese") Style most important
Gikai (Dogen's successor) goes to China to study Zen building
Picks some things, ignores others
Builds Engakuji at Kamakura
Sanmon gates: i.e. Nanzenji, Tofukuji, Kamakura Go-Zan
Symmetry-axis only for main buildings, if that
Often north-south, but Nanzenji faces west and Kenchoji curves
"Zen" art often incorporated: i.e. dragon painting on the
ceiling at Tofukuji
Later Variations
"Temple building from Muromachi on presents almost no new
phenomenon." However, gardens gain a new importance in the compounds.
Gardens become important: i.e. Konchi-in added to Nanzenji
Signifigant buildings are no longer temples but private pavillions
in nice gardens: i.e. Ginkakuji and Kinkakuji
Gardens later added to older temples such as Nanzenji and